Coordinated Network Development Plan

As market area manager, AGGM prepares a Coordinated Network Development Plan (CNDP) on a biennial basis for the planning and optimisation of the Austrian transmission infrastructure. The KNEP covers a planning period of at least ten years and relates exclusively to the Market Area East, which is the only one with transmission lines.

The preparation of the CNDP takes into account technical and economic expediency, climate neutrality in 2040, the interests of all market participants and coherence with the Community-wide Network Development Plan (TYNDP) and the Integrated Network Development Plan (INDP).

The legal basis for the network development planning by AGGM are § 14 and § 63 of the Gas Industry Act (GWG 2011). The preparation of the NIP is carried out jointly with the Austrian transmission system operators and takes into account the Long Term and Integrated Planning (LTiP).

The CNDP is subject to public consultation prior to submission to E-Control. After approval by E-Control, the CNDP and the decision and submission version are published by AGGM.

Process of the CNDP preparation 2024

Data collection

The capacity scenario for the Coordinated Network Development Plan 2024 was prepared on the basis of the latest CAM NC survey on the one hand and on maintaining security of supply on the other. For this purpose, differentiated import routes and a high degree of availability of pipeline capacities were considered in order to guarantee a continuous supply to customers in Austria and neighboring countries. The capacity scenario was also agreed with the regulatory authority E-Control Austria.

Non-binding capacity requests from network users and project notifications from adjacent network operators can be submitted to the transmission system operators Gas Connect Austria GmbH and TAG GmbH on an ongoing basis.


In the course of planning, projects were developed to provide the requested capacities.

On the one hand, the hydrogen projects in the distribution area of the long-term and integrated planning were taken into account for the planning of the hydrogen network in order to ensure comprehensive and needs-based planning for Austria.

On the other hand, the results of the network development plan at European level (TYNDP), the European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) and the national network development plans of neighbouring countries were also taken into account.

Consultation until November 29, 2024

The four-week consultation on the current CNDP was from  28 October until 29 November 2024. During that time, market participants had the opportunity to submit comments on the current CNDP. The comments will be published on the AGGM website and taken into account accordingly in edition 2 of the CNDP.

Austrian Gas Infrastructure Day (AGID) on 5 November 2024

The CNDP 2024 was presented to market participants at the Austrian Gas Infrastructure Day.
Learn more

Submission for approval

It is planned that the current CNDP will be submitted for approval at the end of December, so that a decision by E-Control Austria can be expected at the beginning of 2025.


Coordinated Network Development Plan 2024

Planning period: 2025 – 2040+
2 Transmission system operators
1,700 km transmission network
556 MW Compressor capacity
Market Area East

Targets of the CNDP

  • Meeting the demand for pipeline capacities to supply end consumers, taking into account emergency scenarios.
  • Realisation of Austria's climate neutrality by 2040 through the further development of the Austrian transmission network
  • Integration of the energy sector taking into account the high value of gaseous energy sources and by linking different energy sources and sectors
  • Achieving a high degree of availability of pipeline capacity (security of supply of infrastructure)
  • Meeting transport needs
  • Obligation to meet the infrastructure standard according to Art. 6 of Regulation (EU) No. 994/2010