Coordination of gas network maintenance
AGGM is responsible for the maintenance coordination of the transmission and distribution networks. The primary objectives are to ensure uninterrupted supply to end customers and to minimise the impact on network users.
The legal basis for this regular task of AGGM as market and distribution area manager are § 14 and § 18 of the Gas Industry Act (German: GWG 2011).
Maintenance & Restrictions
AGGM publishes an annual overview of all current maintenance work and restrictions in the Integrated Annual Maintenance Plan.
For the transmission system in the Market area East, the current status of all maintenance work at the relevant entry and exit points as well as the maximum available capacity in each case are listed.
For the distribution network, the restrictions at the entry and exit points in the Eastern distribution area and in the Tyrol and Vorarlberg market areas required due to maintenance measures are listed.
European maintenance information
Market participants from Central and Eastern Europe publish Urgent Market Messages (UMM) on the REMIT platform of Central European Gas Hub (CEGH) in accordance with the EU Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (EU 1227/2011).
Capacity restrictions at entry and exit points in the distribution area due to maintenance measures are also published by AGGM on the REMIT platform of CEGH.
The transparency platform of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSO-G) provides an overview of all Europe-wide maintenance information.
Maintenance information of the system operators
Transmission system operators & storage system operators
in Austria
Transmission system operators & storage operators at cross-border interconnection points