Austrian Gas Grid Management

As the Market and Distribution area manager, AGGM plans the gas infrastructure in cooperation with the gas and electricity grid operators using an integrated approach that takes all energy sectors into account. This ensures the availability of the gas infrastructure in line with demand.

Managing the gas grid of today. Shaping the energy infrastructure of tomorrow.

The goals of AGGM

Security of supply & gas grid control
Energy transition & climate-neutral gases
Transparency & Communication

Consultation LTIP und CNDP

Click here for the consultation versions:
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Austrian Gas Infrastructure Day

The CNDP and LTIP network development plans are presented at the Austrian Gas Infrastructure Day.
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The feed-in card for renewable gases in the Austrian gas network.
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Energy transition

How does AGGM contribute to achieving Austrian climate neutrality by 2040?
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What market data and maintenance information is published by AGGM?
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Security of supply

Secure gas supply for Austria through a strategic gas reserve.
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Situation report on gas supply

AGGM publishes a daily situation report on the current supply situation, the price situation on the gas markets and the gas storage level.

Upcoming events

AGGM Competence Center Training 2024

Learn everything about the Austrian gas market - from market model to congestion management.

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Austrian Gas Infrastructure Day

Presentation of innovative projects and current network development plans.

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The AGGM platform

With the AGGM platform, a transparency portal was created that makes comprehensive and detailed data of the Austrian gas market publicly available.

In addition, the AGGM platform is the central service portal for all players in the Austrian gas market. Here, new market participants can register and apply for Energy Identification Codes (EIC). After registration, all market participants have an account on the platform in which, among other things, balance groups, supplier accounts and company data are managed.

Gas grid

The Austrian gas grid comprises 2,000 km of long-distance pipelines and 44,000 km for distribution
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Gas market

The Austrian gas market is divided into three market areas: East, Tyrol and Vorarlberg.
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About us

Tasks, goals and corporate structures of AGGM
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Services for Market participants

As market area and distribution area manager, AGGM provides various services for all Austrian market participants.

Suppliers, balancing group managers, feeders and offtakers receive access to AGGM's service platforms from AGGM and are informed about processes and changes in the gas industry.

All services for market participants  



AGGM Austrian Gas Grid Management AG

Peak Vienna
Floridsdorfer Hauptstraße 1
1210 Wien