Legal framework
Here you will find legal provisions that are relevant for the liberalised Austrian gas market. The compilation provided here includes the relevant national provisions in addition to the provisions under European law. Furthermore, the Other Market Rules for Gas (SoMaGa), the General Terms and Conditions of Market Participants (AB) and the AGGM-relevant decisions of Energie-Control Austria are also available for download.
AGGM does not assume any responsibility for the completeness and correctness of the regulations listed here. Only the legal documents published in the respective official publication are authoritative.
Union law
Here you will find Union law provisions that are relevant for the Austrian gas market:
Union law Gas (only German)
Federal laws
Here you will find federal laws that are relevant to the Austrian gas market:
Federal laws (only German)
Here you will find regulations that are relevant to the Austrian gas market:
Regulations Gas (only German)
Gas Market Code
Pursuant to § 22 Z 1 of the Energy Control Act, Energie-Control Austria draws up Gas market Codes in cooperation with the Market participants. These include, inter alia, definitions of terms, the network of relationships between Market participants, and specifications for schedules:
General Terms and Conditions of AGGM
Pursuant to sections 16 and 26 Natural Gas Act 2011, AGGM shall regulate its legal relationships with the balancing group representatives and the Distribution System operators in General Terms and Conditions. The General Terms and Conditions of AGGM are approved by Energie-Control Austria.
Valid from 1.10.2022 for the market areas East as well as Tyrol and Vorarlberg:
GTC AGGM-BGR (non-binding translation)
GTC AGGM-DAM (only German)
GTC for AGGM Platform use (non binding translation)
Sample contracts
AGGM-BGR (non binding translation)
Supplementary agreement solidarity case ( only German)
A&B-Sample documents (only German)
AGCS-Sample documents (only German)
General terms and conditions of other market participants
Here you will find the general terms and conditions of other Market participants:
General terms and conditions of other markets participants (only German)
Official decisions on gas
Here you will find official decisions on gas that are relevant for the Austrian gas market:
Official decisions gas (only German)