Setting the course for the energy transition - calorific value reconstruction
AGGM and the gas network operators will put the systems for calorific value reconstruction in network levels 2 and 3 into operation on January 1, 2024.
With the integration of renewable gases, the decentralized feed-in of biomethane and hydrogen and thus different gas qualities into the gas grid will increase. The calorific values of natural gas and biomethane can differ significantly depending on their origin and production, with Hydrogen also has a considerably lower calorific value per cubic metre - around a third of methane. The different feed-in locations therefore result in different individual calorific values in the respective parts of the gas network.
The systems for determining the calorific value make it possible to determine the exact calorific value for each extraction point in the gas network and thus guarantee the problem-free feed-in of biomethane into the gas network. In accordance with the provisions of the Gas System Charges Ordinance, these calorific values determined will also be used to bill end customers for the quantity of energy from 1 January 2024. Based on the applicable technical rules of ÖVGW guideline G O 110, all exit points will be grouped into individual calorific value districts. In future, the actual calorific values for each network area will be published on the AGGM platform.
AGGM has been calculating calorific values for distribution system operators in network level 1 of the Austrian gas network since January 1, 2023. Together with two distribution system operators, AGGM has now also implemented a system for determining calorific values for network levels 2 and 3 of these network operators. This creates the necessary transparency for consumers on their bills.
Biomethane belongs in the grid!
With inGRID - the interactive feed-in map for renewable gases - we have made it transparent where biomethane can be fed into the gas grid most efficiently.