EIC allocation
AGGM as Local Issuing Office
The European scheme of Energy Identification Codes (EIC) was implemented for clear and effective data communication. An EIC is assigned to a specific object (System Operator, Balance Group Representatives, Supplier, Balance Group, Market Area, etc.). As a Local Issuing Office (LIO), AGGM is authorised to issue EICs to Austrian Market Participants. The application for EICs is made digitally via the AGGM platform. All active codes are published by AGGM.
All EIC types at a glance
For the identification of legal entities (e.g. balance group representatives or suppliers). AGGM issues EI X codes to Austrian companies. Non-Austrian companies must contact the respective national Local Issuing Office.
To identify balance groups, sub-balance groups or supplier accounts.
To identify measuring points.
To identify objects for production, storage or consumption.
To identify connecting objects (e.g. network couplings or transformers).
To identify physical points where a natural or legal person or their IT system is located (e.g. network nodes).
To identify substations.
EICs Europe-wide
ENTSO-E in its role as Central Issuing Office (CIO) is the European coordination body for the allocation of EICs. All regulations for the Europe-wide award of EICs are laid down in the ENTSO-E Reference Manual.